Granite Ware F0732-2 Pressure Canner and Cooker Steamer 12-Quart Black by Granite Ware - BPMRFJOSM

  • Availability: In Stock
$139.83 $99.29

Used to elevate the food temperature above 240-degree F which kills all the bacteria including botulism spores found in low acid foods such as meats, poultry, fish and some vegetables. Step-sided construction allowing pressure cooking and steaming. Hard anodized finish so it can be used as a pressure cooker or steamer without changing the flavor or color of food. Fail-safe weight control of internal pressure without the need for constantly monitoring and calibrating a pressure gauge.

Granite Ware F0732-2 Pressure Canner and Cooker Steamer 12-Quart Black by Granite Ware - BPMRFJOSM